Summer 2006

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What a drastic difference between last summer and this summer. We've had a lot of rain, especially at the beginning of the season. Our first day on the boat was the middle of July. We only just went camping 2 weeks ago for the first time this year. But with the few times that we have spent on the water, we've had a lot of fun and several guests on the boat. Enjoy the pictures!


Roman's little brother Pete enjoying his

first time on a boat.

Jennifer & Yolanda

Danielle & Pete


Chris, Pete, Roman & Danielle with

Riverwatch's resident pirate

Barb, Chris, Sarah, Jo & Roman dining

at a riverside restaurant

Jo, Roman & Barb looking at the downtown

views from the river


Jennifer & Sarah aboard the yacht Destiny.

We did a chocolate and wine tasting.

Carol & Jennifer aboard the Destiny

Sarah, Yolanda, Jennifer & Kim at our

favorite riverside restaurant


Yolanda grabbing some rays

Carol & Vadim


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