Summer 2004

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Oh what fun we've had this summer so far! It hasn't rained nearly as much as it did last year so the river hasn't been too high or muddy. We've gone to Lake Cumberland twice, and have more trips planned in the near future. We took the boat to Louisville one weekend and took the family to Nolin Lake. I didn't take any pictures of the outings on the river, but should have. I've had several guests on the boat, but didn't think to take the camera along.


First camping trip of the year was the KOA at Lake Cumberland. In the group was Chris, Roman, Jason, Paul, Kristie, Sarah & me. The temperatures were a little on the cool side, but got warmer in the afternoon. We bought a tube this year, and it was a hit. Everyone had a blast in it and everybody fell out at least once.

Jason getting ready to ride the tube

Kristie having a wild ride. Click here to see her fall out.

Roman didn't like the Sea-Doo because it doesn't

have doors.

Roman did love being in the water though

Carol on Lady LOU

Chris, Sarah & Roman


Paul on the Sea-Doo and Jason on the tube


Chris & Roman roasting hotdogs & metts. This was

Roman's first time camping and being on a boat. He

had a great time and he can't wait to do it again!

We towed the boat to Louisville one weekend and took everyone to Nolin Lake for the day. It was a perfect day, not hot, not cool. The tube was a hit again. Alex was looking like a pro weaving back a forth. I think he was the only one that did not fall out of the tube. The gang for this trip was Allison & her boyfriend Derek, Donna, Alex, Lynn, Sarah & me.

Carol, Derek, Allison, Alex, Donna & Sarah

Donna & Lynn

Lynn is sporting a mohawk. Are those back in style?

Allison getting ready for her ride

Carol & Lynn

An action shot of Lynn

Derek & Allison. She had an exhausting day

Carol & Sarah getting the boat ready for the trip home

After taking the Women in Boating class given by the Sea-Ray dealership, we became friends with our instructor, Donna, who is also the woman who sold the boat to Carol last year. She's been boating all her life and loves doing it.

Donna's boat - 340 Sea Ray Sundancer

We stopped at Bromely Yacht Club for dinner

Downtown at sunset

Donna at the helm of the 340 Sundancer

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