Summer 2005

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This has been a fantastic summer so far. It hasn't rained much and the river level has been around 26 feet and it's the clearest anyone has seen in years. Why, even one day I could see all the way down to the boat's propeller! Here are some pictures of our summer so far.


Weekend of June 17th, Sarah, Chris, Roman and I went to Lake Cumberland and camped for the weekend. We bought a new tent and I couldn't wait to check it out. It's bigger and I can stand up comfortably in it.

Sarah, Roman and Chris at Lake Cumberland

Roman and Carol

Sarah and Chris

Our new 6 person Coleman tent

Sarah, Roman and Chris lighting a fire

Roman and Carol spent most of the day playing in the water

A Blue Heron

Carol & Roman

River Pictures

This used to be the Fore and Aft restaurant. The flooding earlier this year destroyed it.

You can't see it in this picture, but the building is nearly split into at the middle.

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