Boating fun

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June 28, 2007.  NEWS FLASH!!! We bought a new boat! Yes, the dream has finally come true...we have a boat with a bathroom, otherwise known as a head in the boating world. We traded in the Sea Ray for a 2008 Regal 2565 Window Express Cruiser. It's been a long wait. We ordered it at the end of March and on June 26 at 5pm it arrived at the dealership. We went to see it the next morning. We got our first glimpse of it on the highway as we passed the dealership. It almost brought tears to my eyes. Six minutes later we pulled into the dealer parking lot, parked the car and immediately went to the boat and touched it. Oh it was so beautiful! It still had the shrink wrap on because I had asked them to leave it on so I could get pictures. We took a lot.

So now the boat is ours (and the bank's). On June 29th we are doing the in water orientation and after that it will be sitting in our slip at the marina! We can't wait.






Visit our web sites with stories and pictures about the places we've traveled to. From Alaska to Maine to Germany and places in between.

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